How to Open a Nail Salon: Documents, Rooms, Equipment, Staff


How to Open a Nail Salon

In our country, quite a several people are thinking of opening their own business. But at first, there is a question about which niche is better for a stable income. The beauty industry promises good prospects for budding entrepreneurs. This is for several reasons. First, the business does not require a significant capital investment; second, it is very easy to manage and scale; and third, it can bring huge profits. However, like any other niche, beauty salons have many nuances that must be considered when opening them. As practice shows, most startups make the same mistakes, as a result of which things don't go well, and the company has to close after only a few years after starting work.

Where to Start?

This aspect should be given special attention. First of all, you have to develop a nail salon business plan. A carefully designed algorithm of action will allow you to minimize the associated risks and quickly break even. Planning consists of the following aspects:

·         assessment of the level of competition in your city;

·         determination of the range of services provided;

·         find the best place for the salon;

·         calculation of financial indicators;

·         Identify a potential customer base.

Next, we will discuss each item and find out how to do everything correctly and what equipment and furniture are necessary for a nail salon for normal work. By strictly following the instructions given and adhering to basic tips and recommendations, you can open a successful salon and build a truly profitable empire in the fashion industry.

Services Rendered

When drawing up a business plan for a nail salon, you must first decide what you will do. This trend is good because the range of services provided can be enormous. For example, many modern institutions are involved in the following:

·         classic manicure;

·         manicure with a special grinder;

·         the artificial increase in length and correction of nails;

·         nail design;

·         art painting;

·         strengthen the nail plate;

·         nail polish;

·         therapeutic procedures;

·         nail modeling;

·         paraffin mask for hands;

·         pedicure;

·         finger and foot care;

·         healing bath.

Apart from that, you can also open a nail shop in a salon, which will make a big part of the profits. But you have to understand: the wider your field of activity, the more investment you will need to get started. Therefore, in developing a business plan, you must realistically assess your financial capabilities and not be guided only by desire.

Identify Potential Customers

So what's there to know? If you are a budding entrepreneur with no business experience and don't know how to open a nail salon from scratch, you need to be very serious about project planning. After determining the basic range of services, you must identify the categories of people interested in the service. With a shortage of consumers, there will be no problems. Every year, more and more women and men begin to monitor their appearance and keep up with the latest fashion trends, so they regularly visit beauty salons. However, the main producer of profit remains the fair sex. Statistics show that potential customers are:

·         housewife;

·         young mother;

·         businesswoman.

It is these representatives that you should focus on in your advertising campaign. Young mothers and businesswomen are so busy (one - with their children, the second - with business meetings) that they don't have time for themselves. In general, homemakers have a good level of wealth and prefer to trust their nails to professionals.

Business Registration

Let us discuss this aspect in more detail. So, how do you open a nail salon from scratch? If you have planned and identified the key points carefully, you can begin to work out the legal aspects. You must register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur. This process is quite simple and doesn't take much time. You must contact the nearest state authority branch at the place of registration, write a statement, and pay the fee. You must have your passport and NPWP. Next, you have to register with the Pension Fund. The registration process will take approximately one week.

You will also have to decide which taxation system you will use. If you want to maintain one salon, and your potential net profit volume for the year does not exceed 900,000 rubles, then the ideal option is UTII. When it is much easier to keep accounts, and the reduction in the state budget will be less. If you are planning to expand in the future, it is better to issue a patent immediately. In this case, you must contact Rospotrebnadzor, where you must provide the following documents:

·         application form;

·         passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

·         IP registration certificate;

·         cashier registration documents in tax audit;

·         lease agreement;

·         contract with utilities to remove and remove waste.

As for the registration of legal entities, it makes sense only when opening a nail salon network. The most common form of business is an LLC. However, according to experienced entrepreneurs, it is better to start with individual entrepreneurs to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to manage the company, after which you will make plans for further expansion.


The next stage is the purchase of equipment for a nail salon. What do you need to know about that? Many prospective entrepreneurs do not pay attention to this aspect. They wanted to save on opening, so they bought cheap equipment and consumables, which was a very big mistake. It is better to buy high-quality, reliable equipment with great functionality. So not only will the masters have time to do more work, but their quality will be much higher, so the customer will be satisfied with everything, and therefore will come to you next time. To provide bass services, you will need the following:

·         manicure toolset;

·         UV devise for nails;

·         professional manicure tools;

·         sterilization;

·         Fraser with a set of nozzles;

·         paraffin bath;

·         manicure lamp;

·         foot bath;

·         rollers under the arms.

Apart from tools and equipment, you also need to purchase supplies regularly. The mandatory list includes:

·         paper towels;

·         disposable rubber or gloves;

·         varnishes and means for removing them;

·         acrylic;

·         creams and gels;

·         paraffin wax;

·         artificial nails;

·         tips

It should be noted that all tools and equipment, and consumables must have a certificate of quality and conformity, which confirms their health safety. In the absence of this documentation, you can write a fine if it is verified by staff.

Particular attention should be paid to the purchase of furniture for a nail salon. It must meet the following requirements:

·         the height of the manicure table should be at least 70 centimeters;

·         the surface should be made of moisture-resistant and durable materials;

·         each table must be equipped with a hood;

·         pedicure chairs must be able to adjust the height and level of the backrest.

When opening a nail salon, you also have to worry about visitors' maximum comfort level. The room should provide a separate area with a soft sofa and a coffee table, and a clothes hanger or outer wardrobe. The best solution is to install an audio system or, if finance allows, a large plasma so that people can enjoy watching their favorite movie or TV show while waiting their turn.
